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Signs, Symptoms and Precautions for piles

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms often depend on whether a haemorrhoid is located on the inside or outside of the body.
Internal haemorrhoids lie inside the rectum and generally do not cause discomfort. However, straining or irritation when passing a stool can damage the surface of a haemorrhoid causing it to bleed. Sometimes, straining can push an internal haemorrhoid through the anal opening resulting in a protruding or prolapsed haemorrhoid, which can cause pain and irritation.
External haemorrhoids lie under the skin around the anus. When irritated they can itch or bleed. Blood can pool inside an external haemorrhoid and form a clot, which causes severe pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Signs and symptoms of Piles may include: 

·         Pain or uneasiness, especially when sitting
·         Pain during bowel activities
·         Itching or irritation nearby the anal region
·         Bright red blood on your seat, toilet paper or in the toilet bowl
·         Swelling nearby the anus
·         One or more swellings around the anus, which might be tender or painful.
Bleeding during bowel movements is the most common sign of haemorrhoids. Rectal bleeding can, however, direct a more serious condition, such as bowel cancer or anal cancer.  You should consult your doctor if:
·         Your piles bleed frequently or excessively
·         Your piles do not respond to self-treatment
·         Your piles symptoms have been accompanied by an obvious change in bowel habits
·         You are passing black or maroon-coloured stools
·         Blood clots have formed
·         Blood is mixed in with the stool.
Haemorrhoid symptoms often settle down after a few days.  Haemorrhoids that occur during pregnancy usually resolve after giving birth. There are many doctors who provide piles treatment in Mumbai without operation and many piles clinic in Mumbai are available near your location


Prevention is always better than cure there are laser treatment for piles in Mumbai are also available. Keeping your stools soft is the best way to prevent haemorrhoids from occurring. The following steps can help to prevent haemorrhoids from occurring and reduce symptoms of existing haemorrhoids:
·         Eat high-fibre foods
·         Drink plenty of fluids
·         Consider using fibre supplements
·         Avoid straining when on the toilet
·         Go to the toilet as soon as you feel the itch
·         Get amply of exercise
·         Lose weight if you are overweight
·         Avoid sitting for long periods
·         Avoid taking medicines that can cause constipation, eg. codeine based painkillers.


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