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Exercise to Cure Piles

Piles, or hemorrhoids are inflammations of the rectum caused by a pooling of blood that results in enlarged blood vessels. It is often caused by constipation, obesity or pregnancy--all conditions that place significant pressure on the rectal area. Piles can be extremely painful, but certain exercises can reduce the symptoms or prevent the condition from occurring in the first place. There are many piles clinic in Mumbai which provides piles treatment in Mumbai without operation
Abdominal Exercises :

According to Piles doctors in Mumbai, stomach exercises raise blood flow to the abdominals, which can help flush out toxic blood that has congested in the area, including the anus. Consolidating your abdominals can also ease constipation, a common cause of piles. One of the easiest exercises is the leg slide, which involves lying on your back with feet flat on the floor and your knees pointing up to the ceiling. Bond your stomach muscles and inhale as you slowly slide your right foot away. Keep your foot flat on the floor and, when you can no longer do this, slowly start to slide your foot back to the start position, exhaling as you do so. Repeat on the opposite leg, pointing for at least five slides on each side.

Pelvic Floor Exercises :

If you’re afraid of operations, this is beneficial if you suffer from piles as, piles doctors also provide laser treatment for piles in Navi Mumbai in extreme cases, the enlarged blood vessels can protrude outside your anal passage. Stronger anal muscles can stop the vessels from popping out. To find your genital floor muscles, imagine you are trying to stop urinating and passing wind at the same time. You should feel a tightening around your anus and between your thighs, but be sure to keep your stomach, buttock and thigh muscles relaxed. To begin, contract your genital floor muscles for five seconds then relaxing them for five seconds. Repeat at least 5 times and gradually build the hold time to 10 seconds. Once you’ve mastered the slow repetitions, try quickly contracting and relaxing the muscles 10 times.

Yoga Postures :

Piles can be cured by laser treatment for piles in Mumbai or Yoga is widely known to improve circulation to all parts of the body and the rectal area is no exception. Sarvanga asana--also known as candle pose or shoulder stand--is particularly beneficial because it forces impure blood that has pooled in the enlarged vessels in your rectum back up towards your heart where it can be oxygenated and the toxins flushed out. To assume this posture, lie on your back and roll your legs, buttocks, hips and back off the floor so that your legs are pointing straight up to the ceiling. Piles doctor in Mumbai also suggests that you should be resting on your head, shoulders and your upper arms, with your hands placed on your back at hip height to provide extra support. Clench this position for as long as you can then gently roll back down to the floor.


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