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Patients Suffering From Piles Will Not Be Affected In Our Place During This Shutdown

 A sizable number of people with piles are taking longer to get cured as most of them are delaying medical care in the wake of the coronavirus triggered lockdowns, resulting in complications.

 Once the haemorrhoids (piles) are in grade III or IV stages, medical management has a limited role. However, owing to the extended lockdown in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, a sizable number of patients are presenting in late stages of the disease with symptoms like severe pain and bleeding. Healing is slow in such patients even after surgery. But in Healing Touch we make sure that this all things should not happen

 Contracting Covid-19 from infected but asymptomatic patients is always a risk for healthcare workers as much as other patients. To minimize this, strict various measures considering patient needs are being taken by Healing Touch which is among the Best Piles Treatment in Mumbai

 We also provide Laser Procedure to get cure from Piles. “Our Expert Doctors Will Take Care of Piles In A Painless One Day Laser procedure” said Dr. Jiten Chowdhary who one of the Best Piles Doctor in Mumbai 

The Healing Touch which provides awesome Piles Treatment in Mumbai They also have Superspeciality Piles, Hernia, Gastro & Varicose Veines Clinic which in return makes Healing Touch Best Piles Treatment Hospital in Mumbai 

 Healing Touch Dr. Jiten Chowdhary is among Best Piles Surgeon in Mumbai said that they also provided Best Advanced Hernia Laparoscopic Treatment for Inguinal, umbilical and Incisional hernia.

 Why We ?

 1. Less Painful & Safe

 When we talk about surgery, the first thought that crosses our minds is the pain it inflicts on the body. Pain is one of the key factors when it comes to Piles treatment, as people are afraid of getting appropriate treatment. There is no burn, smoke, or spark caused for the laser surgery. Thus, we provide Safe and painful laser treatment for Piles considering the patient needs.

 2. Instantly performed 

The whole surgery requires significantly less time compared to other treatment techniques. The whole surgery can be performed in under an hour. Thus, in Healing Touch Laser surgery is instantly performed.

 3. Fast recovery period

 Nobody likes to spend time at the hospital let alone stay there to recover. The pile's laser treatment recovery time is significantly lower compared to others. You can complete the whole process in an hour and get a discharge quickly following the surgery.

 4. Precise Treatment 

The benefit of using a laser is that you can precisely focus on the bad and affected parts of the body without hampering the good bits surrounding it. Also, the cuts are clean and precise as well. Thus, Healing Touch makes this laser operations for piles a definite treatment technique.


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